The Effect of Social Media on Relationships

January 17, 2018 Dan Costello No comments exist

The use of social media affects interpersonal relationships every day. Social networking can create a blurred line between meaningful connections and those relationships created online. The constant need for technological communication can also make it difficult to decipher appropriate boundary lines in relationships, friendships, and family dynamics. Privacy becomes almost non-existent on social media sites. Individuals may become so consumed in the life they lead online, that neglect toward reality begins to take place. Social media affects relationships by creating a loss of empathy and confusion of boundaries.
Technology and social media use decreases the sense of empathetic connection felt between individuals. Empathy is the basis of genuine relationships (Wagner, 2015, p. 119). The use of social media for conversation and interaction leads to less emotionally driven interactions. People tend to feel emotionally close to people in their physical proximity, as opposed to virtually. Our five senses are essential to engaging communication (Wagner, 2015, p. 116). Nonverbal communication is used largely on these social media platforms. Verbal cues are highly lacking in the online world, which is the reason for such low empathy levels online. When an individual chooses to over-complicate communication, that person loses the simplistic honesty of human interaction (Wagner, 2015, p. 119).
Another area that social media affects in a relationship are boundaries. Boundaries in relationships are difficult to navigate, especially when influenced by social media use. While social media provides many opportunities for connection, discomfort certainly occurs in interactions too. Simply opening a social media account can leave an individual vulnerable to friend requests and direct messages. Boundaries in relationships between family members, significant others, or friends can all be affected when social media gets in the way. They can be affected, though, both positively and negatively. Regular Facebook users have more people with whom they feel comfortable discussing important matters and obtaining support from, than those who don’t use the site (Sharaievska, Stodolska, 2015, p. 434). Being able to successfully maintain interpersonal relationships with people is crucial, even online.
For a child with special education needs, it is important to stress the value of face-to-face social communication as well as online communication. Otherwise, the individual might get used to their online persona and decide that outside socialization is not necessary or important. Depending on the age of the child, establishing a time limit for social media use and promoting conversation in reality is advisable. As a support to the student, it is beneficial to highlight the pros and cons of social media use. Ensuring the student understands the importance of a healthy balance between reality and virtual life is essential to their development of healthy boundaries as well as their sense of empathy.




Sharaievska, I., & Stodolska, M. (2015). Redefining Boundaries in Families through Social
Networking Leisure. Leisure Sciences, 37(5), 431- 446. doi:10.1080/01490400.2015.1021882

Wagner, L. A. (2015). When Your Smartphone Is Too Smart for Your Own Good: How Social
Media Alters Human Relationships. Journal of Individual Psychology, 71(2), 114-121.

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